Invitations out, new shoes in!

I had one thing on my mind when I woke up this morning.

0227 001 Getting our invitations mailed!  We are exactly 10 weeks away from the wedding today, and today was the big day.  No turning back now!  I can’t wait to get back some RSVPs.

This is an incredibly unflattering picture.  Yuck.

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Second order of business: going to the running store to see if they could help me with my heinous foot and leg problems of late.

For those of you who have been here awhile, you’ll recall that about a month ago, I went to get fitted for running shoes, again, after battling the world’s largest blister, AKA Blistersquatch, in my right arch.  The store put me in New Balance 769s, size 8.5, wide width.  Since then, I’ve had shin splints, calf pain, and a developing new blistersquatch on my left arch.   So, I was not happy with the shoes, to say the least.

I can’t say enough about how well The Sports Medicine Store handled my troublesome feet.  Certain other running stores have basically shrugged their shoulders at my problems, and told me to try lacing my shoes tighter.  I went in today hoping I’d be able to modify my New Balances because I simply cannot buy a pair of running shoes a month. 

The trainer I worked with, Bob, was incredibly helpful from the get-go.  He was 100% willing to work with me on modifications to my New Balances, but after really looking at my feet from every possible angle (on the treadmill running, standing, sitting, with socks and without socks) he told me, flat out, “We made a mistake and put you in the wrong shoes.  You should not be in a wide shoe, and you should probably not be in a stability shoe either.  We’ll fix this, and we’ll have you running Chicago this fall with a smile on your face.” 

Hearing that floored me.  How often do you get that kind of service?  They don’t usually take shoes back after they’ve been worn (let alone for a month) but they acknowledged that their staff fitted me incorrectly and were willing to remedy the problem.

I was there for over an hour and ran over a mile on their treadmill in different combinations of shoes.  He looked at the sockliner in my shoe and pointed out that it was very obviously rubbing against my foot—the pattern inside the shoe had faded pretty obviously.  We watched lots of slow-mo video of my feet—my arch was collapsing in the New Balances, and the vertical line on the back of the shoe was, well, not vertical.  I am also bow-legged, which affects my gait as well.  Oh, and the sports trainer recommended I see a dermatologist if I get another Blistersquatch, because “that isn’t normal.”  Poor Bob declared my feet “the biggest mess I’ve ever seen.”

After consulting with Bob, and their other athletic trainer as well, we concluded that these are the best solution to my problem:

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They are Brooks Defyance 2’s, in a size 9, regular width.  (As opposed to wide width, size 8.5s.)  My left foot is barely a size 8, but my right foot is about a size 8 and 2/3, so the larger size makes sense.

They also have some mods on them.  Namely, arch support insoles.  These shoes aren’t COMFORTABLE when I wear them—but my feet feel really locked down, and that’s what they suspect will help the problem.  If my foot doesn’t move in the shoe, it can’t rub, and can’t blister!  I ran in them, with arch supports, and they videotaped it, and the vertical line on the back of the shoe remains vertical.  Which means I’m not pronating in them.  Aack.  I hope these work.

They were happy I was running in Balega running socks, but they thought I might try out a double-layer running sock for extra blister protection.

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They also sent me home with a blister care kit to heal up the decent sized blister on my left foot before using the arch supports.  (Also, they actually put a liquid bandage on my foot IN THE STORE.  How’s that for service?)  I also got some new Gu flavors, per your suggestions, to try.

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Anyway.  I paid for the insoles and socks and everything else, but they exchanged my shoes for me free of charge and let me know that if I have any more problems, I should come in for more help.  I am absolutely floored with how good the service was.  Kansas City runners, get yourselves to The Sports Medicine Store ASAP. 

Then I went shopping.  Mission: find something to wear to the shower.  I big fat failed on this one.  Apparently, from what I can tell, the trends for spring 2010 are shapeless bags, ugly 70s throwback prints, and dingy gray or bright salmon-colored things.  Here are some of the horrors.

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Bleh.  And trust me, these are the best of the worst.  I have been trying to find something on a budget, but that has NOT been possible.  I may just break down and buy this dress online that I love.  (Or maybe this one.)  They’re both more expensive than I’d like, but I’m about to tear my hair out over this one.

Anyway, cross your fingers and pray to the foot gods that these shoes work.  I feel like my feet are the only thing holding me back from making a breakthrough distance and speed-wise with my running!  This is my fifth pair of fitted running running shoes (Adidas Supernovas, Asics Gel Cumulus, Saucony Progrid Rides, New Balance 769s, Brooks Defyance) and none of them have worked.  I’m desperate.

What do you think?  Keep shopping on a budget or spring for one of the dresses I really love?

26 Responses

  1. You’re SO hard on yourself! I actually really like the black (or navy) and white floral one! I also like the purple one! Did you bring a pal to help you out???

  2. I like the purple one, but I know how frustrating it feels when you don’t think anything looks quite right. Good luck!! Glad you got some shoes that fit correctly!

  3. Great example of terrific service at the Sports Medicine Store! and funny and enlightening post.
    Happy running,

  4. wow, how’s that for service? that’s great that they treated you so well!

    My wedding invites are going out on Monday and I can’t wait!! congrats on getting that all done

  5. I actually think the grey one looks really nice on you! And the purple and the reddish one, too. But they grey gives you a very nice figure 🙂 Congrats on getting the invites out!

    • Yeah, I would be okay with the gray if it was a different occasion, but it seems kind of drab for a bridal shower. Plus, it was jersey, so not fancy enough for a country club!

  6. Random… is that red coat a Lands End coat?

  7. I never comment, but I have to agree–you might be being a little hard on yourself with the dresses. The purple and gray ones both look great on you.

    • Oh, I know they don’t look BAD–I’m just being picky. I hate spending money on clothes that I don’t LOVE, and these are just all so-so to me.

  8. Well, if those shoes don’t work for you by some chance, have you ever tried Nike running shoes? I have bought Nike Zoom Structure Triax +12 shoes twice so far and I love them! I run a moderate distance every week (25-30 miles) and these shoes are great! Just in case you need other shoe ideas! 🙂

  9. You look fantastic in those dresses! Especially the red one. 🙂

  10. Wow, that’s awesome service you received! So happy for you!

    As far as the dress, I’d splurge on the one you really want if I were you. You get one bridal shower in your whole life. Why be wearing something you don’t feel fabulous in?! Plus, you just saved money you thought you’d have to spend on new shoes, so just use that money for a dress you love. But that’s just my opinion 🙂

  11. I love both of those dresses you linked to. I think that it is worth the splurge to get what you want. You only have a bridal shower once, right? DO IT. (PS – Don’t forget, I work at Nordies! *wink*wink* Maybe an early wedding gift from one bride to another?)

  12. I have those running shoes and I really do love them. They just felt right when I put them on.

    Also I know you didn’t like the gray dress because it’s drab, but it looks great! and that purple one, wow. You’ve got such a tiny waist! You should be so proud of all your hard work.

  13. I would def. pick a dress you LOVE & I agree the ones on those websites look a lot more fun & colorful 🙂 You only get one wedding shower. Also, the dresses are not THAT expensive & you could definitely re-wear them. Go for it.

    I also looked for a shower/rehearsal dinner dress today. I found an awesome dress for the rehearsal, but I am waiting till it goes on sale — right now its $300

  14. Hmmm . . I like the black and white one or the gray one, but not sure if they are correct for a shower.

    Spring for one you love and be done with it! Plus, if you love it, you’ll wear it again. Maybe to another wedding or on your honeymoon!

    I totally agree about styles right now. It’s so frustrating with the lack of structure in clothes right now!

  15. I’m in love with the green CK dress you linked to. Now I have to restrain myself and not buy it! lol You do look good in the pics you posted but if you’re in love with different ones, I’d say a wedding shower is worth splurging on.

  16. I hope these new shoes work for you! That was really nice of the store to do. Going to a dermatologist may be a good idea too if the blisters continue…

    I really like the top salmon coloured dress! But perhaps it’s more “my” style. The shade looks nice with your skin though 🙂 My closet is FULL of cheap crap I bought because I needed it and was too cheap to splurge on something nicer. I say spend the money on one you really like and fits you well. I bet you’ll get lots of wear out of it this season 🙂

  17. I like the dresses you tried on, but if you don’t, I definitely think you should spring for one you love. It’s for your shower!

  18. I liked the dresses you tried on, but it’s not really what we all like…it’s your bridal shower, so it has to be what you like and what you feel good in. I say splurge on a dress you really love and that is comfortable and that looks great on you. You are going to be looking at the photos for a long time, so you better like what you are wearing.

    That’s awesome that the store took back your worn shoes. I hope the new pair work for you!

  19. I actually really like all of those dresses!! I kind of agree that I’m not sure that I would wear them for my shower, though. I also really like the first link that you posted (the one at Nordstrom).

  20. Yeah for new shoes! Keeping my fingers crossed for you! I say go for the more expensive dress – it is something you can totally wear over again to lots of other events and you will get your money’s worth. I also think you looked great in the dresses you posted!

  21. I actually really like the 1st and last options on you. They both seem to flatter your shape 🙂

    I totally know how you feel about shopping on a budget. Have you checked out your local TJMaxx &/or Marshalls? Or even Macy’s for their “One Day” sales that seem to last for weeks at a time??

    Best of luck with the new running shoes!

  22. I wore a dress really similar to the second Calvin Klein one you posted (also CK, in the same green, but with a scoop-neck rather than a V) to my shower. I got it at Annie Sez for like $55.

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