Achieved a goal…maybe?

Nature is cruel.

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Again, for the second day in a row, we had gooorgeous weather all day long…until we got out of meetings.  Then it started storming, HARD.  So, bye-bye, beach.  I have one more day to maybe dip my feet in the ocean!  Cross your fingers.

Happily, though, the rain was good for my plans to take a longer than usual run.

We don’t have a full-length mirror at home, so I used the hotel’s to take a full-length picture of me in all my running gear glory.0604 002Love my lucy shorts and BondiBand.  These are two of my favorite things lately.  Seriously.  

Pre-run snackage:

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My camera ate my lunch picture, but I ate about 1/3 of a Starbucks chicken caesar salad and a Dannon Light n’ Fit yogurt.   I wasn’t that hungry, and the buffet for lunch was gross-looking greasy Chinese that turned my stomach.  (I’m sure it was good, I’m just not a big Chinese food fan, especially not before a run!)

Anyway, I wasn’t totally feeling a run, so I challenged myself to beat a goal I’ve had in my goals tab for awhile—run 10K in under an hour.  I figured giving myself a mission would make it a little more fun!

And…I did it.  6.2 miles in 59:47.  It was HARD.  The gym was humid and I sweated more than I have in a long time.  But it felt good!  The thing is…I’m not sure I feel right crossing it off my goal list because it wasn’t a timed race.

In other news, these shoes feel fantabulous without orthotics.  I can’t remember the last time I ran a 10K and didn’t wind up with blisters or some kind of lower leg pain.  Eep!

In other OTHER news, we got to see 112 of our wedding pictures today online!  The gallery is password-protected so I can’t share, but we will have the full CD with several hundred images next week and I will do an exhaustive blow-by-blow wedding recap.

What do you say?  Did I reach my goal or not?

6 Responses

  1. Glad the shoes are a success. What do you wear? I recently switched from Nike to Brooks and LOVE them!

  2. You definitely reached your goal!

    And Florida is very cruel in the summer. Tons of rain.

  3. Yep, you can totally cross it off your list. A 10k is a 10k, whether you have a chip on your shoe or not! Congrats. 🙂

  4. Welcome to Florida in the summer 🙂 I’m glad the new shoes seem to be working out! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you that they stay that way.

  5. This is the runner’s version of the “if a tree falls in a forest” question… 😉

    You definitely reached your goal! Your accomplishment isn’t void just because there was no official track or other racers! Not even in the slightest!

  6. You Rock! And you totally met your goal! 🙂 Great job.

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