About Me

Hi, I’m Brie, aka The Fit Bride.

Fitness/Weight Loss

In 2008, I looked like this:


I weighed 200 pounds.  This picture, combined with an unfortunate weigh-in at the doctor’s office (I previously avoided the scale like the plague) spurred me to make some changes in my life.  Initially, I didn’t work out–I just started tracking my calories, drinking more water, and incorporating more fruit, veggies, and lean protein into my diet.  The weight started to come off pretty quickly.

In July 2008, I started to work out seriously.  I adopted the philosophy, “Go to the gym every other day and just do a little bit more each time.”  Adding one minute to my time on the elliptical or running on the treadmill added up fast, and by December 2008, I had lost 50 pounds and felt great.  (150 pounds works for my frame.  I’m 5’6″, so it is on the high end of “healthy” by most BMI charts, but I have real curves and like to keep it that way.)

I then realized I was kind of “skinny fat,” as in, I was skinny, but I didn’t have any muscle.  I bought the book “The New Rules of Lifting for Women” and followed the program to a T.  Since doing this program, I have so much more strength and power than I ever imagined.  I gained five pounds of pure muscle.

In May 2009,  I graduated from law school and moved to a new state with my fiance.  We began to study for the bar, and stress and lack of time took it’s toll.  I took about a month off the gym due to the test and following vacations, and didn’t really think too hard about what was going into my mouth.  I’m now weighing in around 163 pounds, which is a little higher than I’d like.

My mission is to be happy and healthy in my body.  I want to get back down to about 150-155 pounds for my wedding in May 2010, so I have about 8-13 pounds to lose.   That said, I don’t deny myself.  I’m currently eating about 2000 calories a day, and about once a week I’ll go out to eat and enjoy myself without considering calories.  I work out hard, and my body needs fuel.  It’s my mission to find the perfect balance of food, exercise, and mental health to get me looking fantastic as I walk down the aisle!

This is me in May 2009, at about 155 pounds:

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I believe that healthy does not mean skinny, and think that confidence is the key to looking great.


I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois.  After college, I headed to the great state of Iowa for law school, where I met the wonderful T.  We got engaged on New Year’s Eve of 2008, and moved to Kansas City in May 2009.  T and I are both licensed attorneys.  Both of us work in the legal field, but neither of us work as lawyers per se, although we both enjoy our jobs very much.

I have three blog helpers.

Southpaw enjoys sleeping draped over my stomach while I blog, and licks my hand when I write something she likes.  She suffers from IBS and stress eats.

This is Buckley (and T).  Buckley enjoys biting me when I write something he doesn’t like.  Beneath his crusty exterior, he enjoys being scratched under his chin and eating hairball gel.

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This is Milhouse, our two-year-old beagle.  His favorite healthy treat is peanut butter and canned pumpkin and he enjoys hiding our shoes.

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All of our animals were acquired from various animal shelters, where they developed various neuroses that make them all the more lovable.

21 Responses

  1. Wow- congratulations on your amazing success so far!! You look great!

    I can’t wait to follow more of your story as you prepare for your upcoming wedding – how exciting!

  2. You look great. I’m getting married in April of 2010. Nice to find another bride to be.

  3. Good for you!!! I am inspired by your motivation. Keep up the good work because you look gorgeous!

  4. You look fantastic, good for you! I can’t wait to read more!

  5. congratulations! you look amazing, keep up the great work

  6. You look great, just found your blog through Leah@ Leftovers for Lunch. Look forward to reading more.

  7. You look incredible I just found your blog through saltsays.. I am very intrigued by what you have been able to accomplish. I too am on a new life plan with weightloss being my goal. I am hoping to look amazing for my wedding next fall. I am new to blogging and just started my own wedding related blog:


  8. You look amazing! Congrats! Glad I came across your blog! Keep up the great work!
    p.s. I too am a pronovias bride 🙂

  9. I just found your blog through a comment you left on HTP. I noticed we have a lot in common! Well, geographically wise. I grew up in Iowa, went to school there, now live outside of Chicago and my husband is from KCMO. I can’t wait to read more here! 🙂

  10. You look awesome in that picture! I laughed out loud when I read your blog header tagline.

  11. Great work! You look great! That cracks me up that Buckley likes the hairball medicine. My cats are brats and don’t like it. 🙂

  12. Hi there! I just stumbled upon your blog. Awesome job losing weight! I just started a blog as well, and I am basically trying to do the same thing – get fit and sexy for my wedding in June of this year (2010). Good luck to you! 🙂

  13. Congratulations on your weight loss!! You did it the right way. I have a similar experience…I was 250 pounds and had a lot of health problems. Seeing some pictures from a vacation were part of what made me wake up that I WAS obese and not just “chubby.” I lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. By the way, your animals are adorable!

  14. I’m just writing to say that I love your blog and am excited to try some of the things you have written about as I begin my journey into running. I’ve just received medical clearance (I have bad knees) and have been reading religiously for inspiration. I’ve just launched my blog today and have a link to you there since you are truly one of my favorite blogs. Congrats on the weight loss, the running, and your upcoming wedding!

  15. Hey! Just wanted to let you know that I HIGHLY enjoyed reading your blog! I too am getting married in right at 6 months now 🙂 I am very much interested in eating better and being fit! You are truly an inspiration!

  16. Read your guest post on Run Eat Repeat. I am finishing up my 2L year right now. I look forward to reading your blog!

  17. Hi Brie! *waves*

    I live in KC, too and just found your blog through HTP. I love to work out too and am also obsessed with healthy livin’ blogs. I like yours and can’t wait to follow! I’m studying for the CPA Exam right now and write a personal finance blog, but would like to start up a healthy livin’ blog after my exam is over! 🙂 Nice to “meet” you. 🙂


  18. Wow! Congrats on your success! You look great!

  19. What a great success story! I think you look great 🙂

  20. congrats on your wedding and your weight loss! I’m getting married in a year (actually, today is EXACTLY a year away 🙂 and I need to get healthy too!

  21. Hello! I found you through HTP and I love your story. I feel like I’m following a similar course and hope to soon enjoy success like yours. I’m also from Chicago (have since moved to AZ) and have 2 cats and a dog.

    Great job!

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